Siemens focus its portfolio on dynamic growth markets

Siemens intends to meet its medium-term growth and profit targets by clearly focusing its portfolio on dynamic growth markets and efficiency gains. To this end, the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG recently unanimously approved the next steps in the company’s Vision 2020+ strategy concept, including the spinoff of Siemens’ Gas and Power (GP).

In the growth markets of automation, industrial digitalization and smart infrastructure, Siemens wants to grow significantly and further expand its leading position.

The employee representatives on the Supervisory Board also approve the plan for GP and support the Vision 2020+ growth strategy. However, they also note that the Managing Board has special responsibility for the treatment of the employees who are impacted by the structural change.

The Digital Industries (DI) and Smart Infrastructure (SI) Operating Companies will comprise Siemens’ future industrial core. This core will be supplemented by company-wide technology and service units and the company’s strategic majority stake in Siemens Healthineers. Siemens Mobility is also to be further strengthened as a growth business.

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