Shell negotiating over Iranian gas field

Shell is interested in development of phases 13 and 14 of the South Pars gas field. Chairman of Shell Companies in Iran Robert Weener said that Shell is negotiating with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and Iran’s National Gas Company on GTL and LNG projects. The gas produced through South Pars phases of 13 and 14 have been designed for using in GTL and LNG projects, he said, adding that the projects are related to exports of gas and gas products, each in need of some USD 3 billion of investment. The Shell company has concentrated its activities on these GTL and LNG projects which should be implemented an integrated plan, he added. Development of different phases of South Pars gas field requires sophisticated technology, Weener said, adding that several foreign companies which possess such technology are competing to win the project. He noted that only few companies are capable of constructing GTL and LNG plants. Expressing the hope that his company would win the tender for phases 13 and 14 of the South Pars gas field, Weener emphasised that the project would provide Iran with considerable profits.

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