Severstal North America restructures management

OAO Severstal, the steel and steel-related mining companies group, announced that the resignation of Sergei Kuznetsov as the head of the Severstal International division and CEO of Severstal North America.
CEO and the Management Board of OAO Severstal express their gratitude to Kuznetsov for his long-standing commitment to the company and contribution to its success.
Kuznetsov will be succeeded by Saikat K. Dey as CEO of Severstal North America. Dey was previously vice president for Strategy and Procurement in this division.
Alexey Mordashov, CEO of OAO Severstal commented, “The new leadership of Severstal North America will remain committed towards increasing efficiencies, lowering costs and achieving competitive advantages in the North American market.”
Severstal North America is one of the largest steelmaking companies in North America with steel mills located in Dearborn, Michigan, and Columbus, Mississippi.

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