Sandvik Process Systems will use this year’s Achema to highlight how advances in steel-belt based processing have increased applications for this technology in the chemical engineering industry. Double-belt systems are a process technology that allows several process steps to be completed without interruption. A typical application is the production of artificial stone sheets for use in kitchens and bathrooms. The systems can benefit this process by continually preparing and feeding recycled PET, sand and other minerals. They can also handle several different process phases – heating, reaction, pressing, cooling and confectioning – in one go. Different products and processes require different features, so every plant is purpose-built to meet the client’s individual requirements. Other applications for Sandvik’s double-belt technology include the production of base material for the interior cladding of cars, glass fibre reinforced plastics, floor tiles and insulation material for the building industry. Granulation directly from the melt, a process used by Sandvik’s Rotoform granulation systems, is probably the most widely used steel-belt based process. The Rotoform range features nine products capable of handling a variety of product types.