Paul L. von Zech, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the local Philadelphia manufacturer, Sandmeyer Steel Co., passed away on 27 June 2008. A native of Philadelphia, von Zech attended Drexel University, where he played football, before being hired by Company founder, the late Paul Sandmeyer, in 1955. He quickly made a name for himself throughout the industry and was recognized as an expert on stainless steel plate products. Before being named Vice Chairman in 1998, he held the position of Executive Vice President for 29 years and Vice President – Operations before that. In 1995 Sandmeyer Steel Co. named the building that houses their forming and bending operations as the Paul L. von Zech Building in honor of von Zech’s years of service and dedication to the Company. In addition, in honor of Paul, the Company awards the Paul L. von Zech Scholarship annually to a dependent child of a plant employee. Married to Anita von Zech for 52 years, Paul is also survived by his children, Paul von Zech, III (Chip); Betsy and Peter Rhodes; and Gloria von Zech; and three grandchildren, Gretchen, Peter, and Peyton Rhodes.