Samsung Heavy Industries order LNG carriers

GTT has announced that it has received an order from its partner the Korean shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries for the tank design of two new LNG Carriers.
GTT will design the tanks of these two vessels, which will each offer a total cargo capacity of 174,000 m3 and will be fitted with the Mark III Flex membrane containment system, developed by GTT.

The delivery of the vessels is scheduled between the third quarter of 2026 and the first quarter of 2027.
The Mark III membrane system is a containment and insulation system, directly supported by the ship’s hull structure. It is composed of a primary corrugated stainless steel membrane, positioned on top of prefabricated insulation panels, including a complete secondary membrane made of composite material.
This modular system employs standard prefabricated components that can accommodate any shapes and capacities of tanks. They are designed for mass production techniques and easy assembly.

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