Reliant Energy, is having Selective Catalytic Reduction units (SCRs) installed at four power stations in the Houston area. Sargent Lundy is providing engineering and design while Babcock & Wilcox is installing the equipment. At the San Jacinto Cogen in La Porte, Texas, two SCR units are being installed on two natural gas-fired 80mw General Electric combustion turbine generators (GE 7EA). At Cedar Bayou, a 2300mw station in Baytown, Texas, three SCR units are being installed on three supercritical natural gas/oil opposed-fired boilers – two Babcock & Wilcox and one Foster Wheeler. P.H. Robinson Station in Bacliff, Texas is a 2,310mw four-unit natural gas/oil station with SCRs being installed on opposed-fired boilers (three B&W & one FW). The 3970mw W.A. Parish Station SCRs are being installed on five of eight units. Equipment will be installed on four coal-fired boilers and the largest natural gas boiler, a 580mw CE tangential-fired unit. Robinson Four, Cedar Bayou Two, and WA Parish Six are scheduled for completion by the end of the year. Meanwhile the San Jacinto Cogen, Cedar Bayou One, and two units at both Parish & Robinson are to follow in 2003. The final units at Cedar Bayou, Robinson, and Parish stations will be completed in 2004 and 2005. With emission averaging, this schedule should reduce NOx emissions by 44% in 2003 and 88% in 2004 compared to 1998 levels.