RathGibson, a manufacturer of welded, welded and drawn, and
seamless stainless steel, nickel, and titanium tubing, recently attended Expo Pack Mexico n 23- 26 June 2009. Hundreds of companies from 22 Latin American countries exhibited at Expo Pack Mexico, a well-respected and well-attended packaging and processing materials and equipment tradeshow for the pharmaceutical, food, beverage, cosmetics, medical, and personal care industries. While together for Expo Pack Mexico, RathGibson and Stainless Macro Trade created training programs on RathGibson’s high purity tubing for their channel partners in the Latin American region. The classes, which will be led by Ms. Hamilton with support from Mr. Rodhe, will take place in Queretaro on 14 August.
seamless stainless steel, nickel, and titanium tubing, recently attended Expo Pack Mexico n 23- 26 June 2009. Hundreds of companies from 22 Latin American countries exhibited at Expo Pack Mexico, a well-respected and well-attended packaging and processing materials and equipment tradeshow for the pharmaceutical, food, beverage, cosmetics, medical, and personal care industries. While together for Expo Pack Mexico, RathGibson and Stainless Macro Trade created training programs on RathGibson’s high purity tubing for their channel partners in the Latin American region. The classes, which will be led by Ms. Hamilton with support from Mr. Rodhe, will take place in Queretaro on 14 August.