Pulpers and feet chute order

BUTTING Anlagenbau has been given an order for 16 pulpers and feet chute for a fine paper machine in China. The very rapidly rising paper consumption in China of around 8% a year led Voith Paper, with PM 2 in Hainan, China, to construct the most productive fine paper machine in the world. In spring 2009, this machine is to go into production and produce 4500tn of high-quality fine paper every day. The core aims of the concept and contract award for Voith were high productivity, best paper quality with minimum specific investment and operation costs and rapid commissioning of the plant. The volume of orders for Hainan in China includes pulpers of 11.5m wide and around 4m high. The average weight per pulper amounts to 29,000kg, the total tonnage of the order is more than 450tn. The first delivery is planned for mid-April. In order to support the Voith company in this difficult phase of the project, and to accelerate the construction of the paper machine, BUTTING offered to take over the packaging of the separate modules into the overseas containers. For each container, this process saves around a week in transportation time. The pulper troughs are delivered in one piece, coated with anti-salt water protective paint and welded and sealed in foil, the feet chutes are delivered in several parts. To support the customer during on-site installation as well, BUTTING will send a supervisor to check on the assembly of the vessels.
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