The Award honours an individual who has excelled in their efforts to selflessly share their knowledge and experience, and promote the use of duplex stainless steels as a sustainable, efficient, and successful materials solution. Past recipients of the award have been Raymond Cordewener (2012), Jan Olof Nilsson (2014), Jacques Charles (2016) and Joelle Greenwood (2018).
Having spent most of his career focused on corrosion and corrosion resistant materials, Professor Thomas Ladwein is a widely recognised authority on the subject. After getting his PhD Thomas worked at a fabricator before moving to Thyssen Edelstahl. When the plate division was sold to Avesta Polarit in 2003, he took up a position as Professor of Electrochemistry and Corrosion in the Surface and Materials Science program at Aalen University, Germany for the last seventeen years of his career. Thomas has been a member of the Steering Committees of the Stainless Steel World conference since the very first event in 1999, and of Duplex World since 1997.
Pictured is Prof Ladwein receiving his award during the Duplex World Seminar & Summit which was held 1 & 2 November in Rotterdam, the Netherlands from conference organiser Joanne McIntyre.