In January, the reversing cold rolling mill supplied by Primetals Technologies to TA 2000, S.A. de C.V.(Tyasa) was brought into operation and the first coil was rolled in Tyasa´s production plant in Ixtaczoquitlan. The cold rolling mill is another element in Tyasa’s strategy of extending its portfolio to include flat products. The mill is designed for an annual production of 200,000 metric tons of low-carbon and high-strength steel grades. The reversing cold rolling mill is designed as a single stand four-high mill, will handle a wide range of end products, and is particularly suitable for small batches. The process equipment and technology packages not only maintain tight flatness and thickness tolerances but also ensure a good quality surface. The compact design minimizes the out-of-tolerance strip thickness. The project was completed on schedule within 21 months.
Primetals Technologies supplied the complete process equipment, electrics and automation from a single source, and was also responsible for supervising the installation and start-up of the plant. The cold rolling mill is designed for an annual production of 200,000 metric tons of low-carbon and high-strength steel grades.