Ponikwar as CEO & Denis Krude as COO of thyssenkrupp

thyssenkrupp nucera will get a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with Werner Ponikwar. He will take over as CEO as planned on 1 July 2022. As Deputy CEO, Denis Krude will assume the newly created function of Chief Operating Officer (COO). The strengthening of the management team is in line with thyssenkrupp nucera’s successfully pursued growth strategy and reflects the growing range of responsibilities on the Executive Board.

Werner Ponikwar most recently served as Managing Director of Linde Hydrogen FuelTech GmbH. Previously, Ponikwar headed the Polyolefins business unit (Polyolefins) at Linde Engineering as well as the Key Account Management at Linde AG. He worked for the management consultancy Arthur D. Little as well as the chemical company Degussa (currently Evonik).

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