Philippe Bello joins Manoir Industries

Philippe Bello has been appointed as the new President of Manoir Petrochem & Nuclear, one of Manoir Industries’ three business units.
Philippe, 52, an Ecole des Mines (Paris) engineer, came to Manoir Industuries from Akers (a Swedish company, 1st manufacturer worldwide of rolls for rolling mills), where he was General Manager France. Prior to that, Bello was successively an Industrial director at Lafarge Mortiers, Director Operations France at Omya, and Technology and Innovation Director at Arjowiggins. Bello is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and brings with him a DEA diploma in Materials.
Bello’s industrial background and international experience will allow Manoir Petrochem & Nuclear to continue to improve customer service, and to pursue its global growth, after acquisitions in the UK, China and India.
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