OKI Engineering, provider of reliability evaluations and environmental conservation technologies for the OKI Group, delivered an additional unit of KGT-3MM-AP exhaust gas treatment equipment for atmospheric pressure CVD manufacturing equipment to semiconductor manufacturer ON Semiconductor’s European plants. OKI Engineering’s exhaust gas treatment equipment adopts a filter designed to reduce filter clogging, allowing extended maintenance-free use, ultimately contributing to production efficiency and helping to maintain the semiconductor manufacturers’ production environment.
OKI Engineeringâs KGT-3MM-AP exhaust gas treatment contains a special stainless steel filter that reduces filter clogging and helps remove the harmful gases and particulate matter used with atmospheric pressure CVD manufacturing equipment. The micromanometer used for pressure control was designed specifically for CVD gas use. Inverter control for the exhaust fan ensures the constant exhaust pressure essential for atmospheric pressure CVD thin film manufacture and extended operational reliability and consistency.
“In 2009, OKI Engineering delivered the KGT-3MM-AP to ON Semiconductor for the first time, as an exhaust gas processor for Amaya continuous atmospheric pressure CVD manufacturing equipmentâ?, says Yutaka Asai, president of OKI Engineering. “This latest order for ON Semiconductor’s European plants was prompted by ON semiconductor’s satisfaction with the processor’s pressure control configuration and exhaust gas scrubbing efficiency and by the benefits of consistent, trouble-free CVD thin film manufacture.”