Offset3D Feature aware machining

VX Corp., specializing in CAD/CAM for consumer products and molds, has developed a new QuickMill machining tactic called Offset3D Feature aware machining. Offset3D Feature aware machining is fully integrated with CAD. This solution, in addition to producing accurate tool paths, is fast to help mold-makers keep up with part and mold designs that change often and quickly. Offset3D lets mold-makers target highlight areas, and then the software automatically adjusts tool path motion to preserve fine, sharp-edge detail and maximize tool cutting efficiency with smooth, high-speed enabled motion. Offset3D also helps mold-makers produce high quality, smooth surfaced molds with crisp, fine highlights. Offset3D Feature aware machining will be available with the upcoming release of VX CAD/CAM Version 13 in September 2007.
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