Nuclear partially recognised under NZIA

The European Commission has decided to partially include nuclear by referencing Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and advanced reactors under its Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA). Whilst this is a step in the right direction, nucleareurope believes that much more could still be achieved by including the nuclear sector as a whole and treating nuclear in the same way as other strategic technologies.

“We understand that the discussions around the inclusion of nuclear under the NZIA have proved challenging, and so it is positive to see at least some reference to nuclear technologies in the text” states Yves Desbazeille, nucleareurope Director General. “But unfortunately, this is not enough. The US has recognised the importance of supporting its entire nuclear sector by including it under the Inflation Reduction Act. By supporting the European nuclear sector through the NZIA, the EU has the opportunity of placing us on an equal footing with other global regions, and of remaining a key player in the global competition for clean technologies.”

The NZIA will set the scene for industrial players in the years to come and determine the degree of EU strategic autonomy in terms of key technologies needed for the energy transition. In this respect, the nuclear industry stands ready to deliver what is needed to reach Net Zero by 2050, ensure the security of supply, strengthen European resilience, and tackle affordability.

“However, without the support of policies such as NZIA, it is going to make the industry’s job much more difficult, especially in a world where other regions are supporting and promoting their nuclear technologies globally” adds Mr Dezbazeille.

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