Nippon Steel Corporation has been awarded the Good Design Award 2020 by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP) for its new product FeLuceTM (hairline-finished electroplated steel sheet), which has consequently become the first steel sheet to win this prestigious award.
FeLuce is a novel type of steel sheet created using a ground-breaking production method that adds designs to plating layers applied to achieve corrosion resistance. Instead of the conventional method that paints and films the surface of sheets, the company adopted a simple production method that compliments the natural steel texture to preserve steel’s natural beauty while achieving a high level of functionality, which is an important product requirement. It also made sure that the final product would be lean and eco-friendly. By solving a variety of dilemmas that were inevitable in product design, FeLuce has further broadened its potential in this field.
FeLuce will be used for a variety of field such as home appliances, industrial equipment, steel furniture and interior construction materials. This novel collection will be available in two classic colors; FeLuce Black gives a sophisticated and composed feeling while FeLuce Silver’s rich reflectiveness fits well into the surrounding space (to be released in January, 2021).