Nippon Steel, JFE apply for Japanese govt ‘green’ funds

Japan’s two major integrated steelmakers, Nippon Steel and JFE Steel, are among the companies applying for Japanese government funding made available through the country’s new ‘Green Transformation (GX) Promotion Act’ to progress R&D for decarbonizing their operations.

Nippon Steel applied jointly with Nippon Steel Stainless Steel (NSSC) for converting facilities in Nippon Steel’s Kyushu Works in Yawata to a large-sized electric arc furnace (EAF), to expand the EAF in the Setouchi Works in Hirohata, and to restart an idled EAF at NSSC’s Yamaguchi Works (Shunan Area), all in western Japan.

Nippon Steel had started trial operations on its first domestic EAF at the Setouchi factory in June 2020 and aims to use the larger furnace to produce high-quality steel products such as electrical sheets. Mastering the many technical hurdles when operating large-sized EAFs will allow it to replace a blast furnace at one of its works by 2030.

Meanwhile, JFE Steel has sought funds for the construction of a new large EAF to replace its No.2 blast furnace at the Kurashiki Area of its West Japan Works. It hopes to have the EAF operational during Fiscal 2027, beginning April of that year.

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