MMC Norilsk Nickel has launched its new corporate website (or The primary reason for the website upgrade is the Company’s commitment to implementing best corporate governance and information disclosure standards in its new capacity of a global player. From now on website sections will feature detailed information about the Company’s overseas operations including Stillwater Mining Co. and assets in Finland, Australia, South Africa and Botswana to reflect the global scale of MMC Norilsk Nickel’s activities and its presence in the world’s major mining and metal production regions. The Investor Relations section was substantially expanded and its key content is now displayed on the main page for better user convenience. Subsections about the Company’s securities offer more information including not only reports on current market value of MMC Norilsk Nickel’s shares but also the historical trade curves. A new Investor Calculator service helps calculate the current return on the Company’s shares. In conformity with globally accepted practices, the Sustainable Development section provides data that contributes to the comprehensive understanding of the social responsibility principles applied by the Company and describes Norilsk Nickel’s major projects aimed at reducing environmental impact of its production operations. For additional user convenience the main page has a special module with links to all key internet resources of the Company: corporate magazine and blog, Norilsk Nickel sports website, children’s resource Nickelca and Job and Career section.