New injection well on the Snøhvit field

The Songa Enabler drilling rig has recently started drilling a new injection well for CO2 gas on the Snøhvit field off the coast of Hammerfest. Next a production well will be drilled for replenishment of gas for Hammerfest LNG.


Snøhvit is still the only LNG project that captures and stores CO2 separated from the well stream in a dedicated formation offshore. The stored CO2 is being monitored in order to ensure that it does not mix with the main producing reservoir. A new CO2 injection well is now required. After the new CO2 injector is installed, the rig will move on to drill the first new production well at Snøhvit since the field came on stream in 2007.

“The distance to the Barents Sea presents extra challenges with regard to mobilisation and sailing time, which requires careful planning, thorough preparations and close cooperation with the suppliers. We are pleased both with the equipment suppliers and marine operations, which resulted in successful project implementation,â€? says project leader Sveinung í˜vretveit.

The next big development step for Hammerfest LNG is the development of the Askeladd field, which is part of the plan for development and operation of the Snøhvit licence. It is expected to come on stream in 2020/2021.

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