New duplex filter

Schroeder Industries has released its RLD Series Top-ported duplex filter for return line applications. Certain hydraulic systems require continuous, uninterrupted operation. In this situation, shutting down the system to change the filter element is not an option.
The RLD duplex filter is designed to meet this challenge by delivering continuous filtration. An integrated pressure equalization valve allows instantaneous switch flow from one filter to the other, so element change out can be performed with virtually no service interruption.
The RLD is suitable for industrial, automotive manufacturing, machine tool, paper industry, steel making, power generation and marine applications. The RLD is constructed out of lightweight aluminum, which is water tolerant. The threaded bowl enables element change out.
The RLD Series is offered in two element lengths in either synthetic Z-Media(TM) or metal mesh media. The filter housing has standard Viton® seals, as well as upstream and downstream pressure ports. It can sustain pressures of up to 350psi and flows up to 100gpm.
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