Deprag Schulz GMH u. Co. presented its new DCOS (Deprag Contoller System) at Automatica 2010 in Munich. The DCOS controls, records, documents, and analyses. New standard software was designed for DCOS, with various features. The software is available in four different packages: classic, classic-plus, advanced and professional. The software package classic covers the basic demands for machine control. It contains general functions such as menu driven image selection, access control according to user profiles, and initialization files on the operating system level. Plus basic functions for machine data recording, applications for axle control or commissioning aids for peripherals. The package classic-plus supplements this module by the option of remote maintenance via Internet or direct point-to-point connection via modem. A feature available in advanced is a dynamic language switch-over to allow depiction of language specific symbols. Furthermore, screwdriving controllers or other external devices can be parameterized or programmed by direct access to operating systems services. Professional is the highest configuration level of the DCOS standard software. The efficient utilization of the whole assembly system can be examined and documented, statistically record rejection rates (bad parts), can document system downtime, as well as system reliability. The documentation of process data and the respective analyses provide important information about machine capability. Graphical representation of measurements and extra documentation features round the package off.