NAS wins the 2019 gold sustainability award

The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) presented NAS with the 2019 Gold Sustainability Award at the May 2019 Meeting in Chicago, IL. NAS won this sustainability award for developing a use for the baghouse dust from the Argon Oxygen Decarburization ‘s (AOD) unit. This AOD dust was previously disposed as a hazardous waste.

Dolomitic lime is added to the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) to produce slag. NAS’s AOD dust has a high dolomitic lime concentration. By developing a bagging and addition method into the EAF, NAS is able to substitute AOD dust for new dolomitic lime in the EAF. This substitution practice reduced the quantity of hazardous waste landfilled in 2018 by 10,238 metric tons and the purchase of dolomitic lime by 6,412 metric tons.

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