Municipal wastewater treatment plants

The 16,000 municipal wastewater treatment plants in the USA launch over 100 expansion or modernisation projects each month. Annual capital needs for these plants will average close to USD 10 billion over the next decade. The equivalent of 320 new plants a year is needed to keep up with expanding populations. Currently, substantial investments are being made to bring communities into compliance with secondary treatment requirements. Lodi City is seeking USD 30 million for expansion of its plant and Crescent City has approved a contract with Brown & Caldwell Engineers that will provide a plan for improvements for the next 20 years. In addition, a number of the California projects deal with reclamation of wastewater for re-use in landscape and agricultural irrigation. Other projects involve construction of advanced primary treatment plants. Ridgecrest for example, has an advanced treatment plant under construction at a cost of USD25 million with a start-up date of 2005.

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