MTL fieldbus surge solutions approved

Emerson(USA) has approved the MTL Surge Technologies Fieldbus protector range, which consists of the TP32 and the FP32, for use in its fieldbus solutions. The FP32 prevents surges occurring on the trunk or spurs entering the control area or damaging terminators, and the TP32 provides protection for field instruments. The multi-stage hybrid surge protection network at the heart of the FP32 uses a combination of electronics and a gas filled discharge tube, to provide surge protection up to 20kA. The TP32 protection network is a hybrid design consisting of high-power electronics and a gas discharge tube, which are capable of diverting surges up to 10kA. The TP32 is encased in a stainless steel enclosure. The FP32 meets IEC61158-2:2000 for 31.25kB/s systems such as Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus-PA and WorldFIP whilst the TP32 meets the additional requirements of ANSI/ISA-50.02-2 1992 for 31.25kB/sec systems.

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