MTI has awarded Missouri University of Science and Technology student Jeremy Staats with its first annual Materials Technology Institute Scholarship. The USD 10,000 award will apply directly to Mr Staats’ educational costs. The college senior plans to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgy in December 2008. Gene Liening, a member of MTI’s Board of Directors, presented Mr Staats with his award at the NACE International’s 2008 Corrosion Conference in New Orleans, Louisianna. Mr Staats was selected from 12 other applicants who qualified for consideration. Once Mr Staats completes a masters program in metallurgy or materials science, he plans to work as a materials engineer. MTI created the scholarship to stimulate outstanding students like Mr Staats to pursue careers in the area of materials engineering in the process industries. Materials Engineering includes evaluation and selection of metallic, non-metallic and polymeric materials, corrosion control, optimal design, mechanical integrity, fitness-for-service, life-cycle evaluation, and economic factors affecting performance of process equipment. Chemical Processing Industries broadly include chemicals manufacturing, petroleum processing, pharmaceuticals manufacturing, paper manufacturing, and other related processing industries or industries, such as materials producers and fabricators, that support the CPI. Any undergraduate or graduate student attending an accredited institution in North America or Europe is eligible to apply for the scholarship.