MIDHANI indigenized 316 LVM for bio-medical use

Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd (MIDHANI), a Government of India Enterprise, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence, has been working in the area of bio-medical technology for development and manufacture of Titanium bio-implants, using advanced technologies as employed for aerospace applications. MIDHANI has successfully indigenized Pure Titanium, Titanium Alloys and Stainless Steels (316 LVM) for bio-medical use conforming to International standards.

MIDHANI is well positioned to produce high-quality bio-implants to global standards and specifications for the Indian Market. MIDHANI developed, manufactured and commercialized about 135 types of implants in more than 1060 variants. Additionally, MIDHANI has undertaken design, development, and supply of various types of custom-made Shoulder Prosthesis, Hinged Knee Joints and Total Femur Prosthesis. These bio-implants and prostheses have been developed on a need basis by interaction with leading Orthopaedic and Surgical Oncologists.

These products have been well received in the Medical Industry and appreciated by leading Hospitals and Doctors, for its workmanship, quality, mechanical properties and for affordable pricing.

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