MIDHANI awards contracts to Danieli

Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI) has awarded two contracts to Danieli for the design, manufacture, supply and installation of a complete, modern plate mill complex consisting of wide plate rolling mill and a modern plate treatment and finishing.

The new wide plate mill will be able to process metal plates up to 3100 mm wide in a large range of special alloys, including titanium, super-alloys stainless steel, HSLA steels, etc. A walking hearth-type reheating furnace will reheat the input slabs for rolling in the plate mill.
The single-stand plate mill will be able to withstand a maximum roll separating force of 60,000 kN and will be designed with the most modern technological features, to produce high-quality plates in regard to dimensional accuracies as well as defect-free surfaces.
Plate treatment and finishing facilities will consist of a dividing crop shear, plate leveler, roller hearth furnace and a continuous roller pressure-quenching machine.
The leveler will operate with 11 rolls, suitable for processing the plates ranging from 5 to 50 mm thickness in hot and cold conditions. Heat treatment will be done at the roller hearth furnace and a new generation high-efficiency continuous roller pressure quenching machine.
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