Metso Outotec starts employee cooperation negotiations

Following the merger of Metso’s Minerals business and Outotec in July 2020, Metso Outotec’s organizational model is planned to correspond to the new company’s structure and strategy. The target is to create an organizational model that supports efficient business operations for Metso Outotec, responds to customer needs, reduces overlaps of the two previous organizations, and meets the set synergy targets. 
The majority of personnel in Finland, approximately 2,400 employees, are in the scope of the negotiations. The estimated reduction need of the planned reorganization is maximum 280 employees, and the impact of the restructuring on different employee groups is expected to be determined in September 2020.
No personnel effects are expected in Outotec Turula Oy; Outotec (Ceramics) Oy; and Outotec (Filters) Oy operations and in Metso Minerals Oy’s Aggregates business.
Similar negotiation processes related to building a new organization in accordance with local processes and schedules are planned also in other countries where Metso Outotec operates.
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