Metinvest-SMC opens warehouse in Dnipropetrovsk

Metinvest-SMC, Metinvest Group’s wholesale and retail sales channel in Ukraine, opened a new warehouse to hold a buffer stock of pipe products and a retail metal centre.

Metinvest-SMC already has a sales branch and two warehouses in Dnipropetrovsk region, one of Ukraine’s largest steel consuming regions. The new site offers a number of significant advantages: more convenient logistics, better conditions for storing products and the opportunity to have a retail sales area. The centre will allow for buffer stock and more efficient distribution of rolled products, especially rolled pipe products, to Ukrainian consumers in all regions.

Now, Metinvest-SMC has a 5,265m2 indoor metal centre with entrances for automobiles and trains. Customers will be offered a complete range of rolled pipe products manufactured by Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol, Komintern Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Plant and Trubostal, in addition to other metal products popular in the retail market.

Andrey Donets, Dnipropetrovsk branch office director, said: “The new site is of strategic importance for Metinvest-SMC’s entire network because it will become an additional tool to ensure effective and regular supplies of rolled pipe products to all regions of Ukraine. The new storage facility will also help address one of the company’s key objectives in 2015 – the development of co-operation with retail buyers.”

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