Metinvest Group is investing around USD 1B in revamping of blast furnace no. 4 at PJSC Azovstal Iron & Steel Works. The first upgrading and revamping activities were launched at the furnace on 15 May.
Following revamping the blast furnace will meet the highest international environmental safety standards. The furnace aims to achieve an ambitious emission limit of up to 30mg per cubic metre of air. Dust emission into atmosphere will be reduced by 340 tons per annum.
Over the course of revamping activities, cast house aspiration system will be dramatically changed; new bag filters with impulse regeneration will be assembled instead of the existing electrostatic precipitators. Powerful degassing and dedusting system will be installed in the emission generation points, as well as iron runners and slag troughs will be covered. This will provide appreciable ecological effect.
The revamping will extend BF-4’s operation period by 15 years, reduce the iron melting time and increase annual production in the long term up to 1.5 million tons of iron. Repair activities directly on the iron-melting facility will be launched in June when the blast furnace will be shutdown.