Mechel OAO, a Russian mining and metals companies, completed the construction project for a grinding-mixing complex to produce cement.
The grinding-mixing complex was built in Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant’s industrial zone. The complex is a modern production facility for cement and blast-furnace slag cement. It has an annual capacity of 1.6Mt and was developed at a cost of USD 174.4M.
The complex uses vertical roller mills to attain a maximum level of disintegration — grinding down to 4500–6000 Blaine fineness, which ensures cement strength and hardening rate. This is the first such production facility in Russia to be constructed up to modern European standard.
Startup and commissioning works at the complex’s site have been completed. Guarantee tests of its equipment using waste from blast-furnace production are currently being conducted.
“Constructing this complex on the basis of Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant enables us to process blast-furnace slag, which is the chief raw material for producing high-quality cement. Mechel managed to establish a highly profitable complete-cycle production, based on rational use of the plant’s by-product – waste from steelmaking. The new complex is equipped with modern, ecologically safe equipment, which ensures extremely low dust emissions – 30mg per m3,” Mechel Materials OOO’s CEO Nikolai Parkhomchuk noted.