Mauritania: 1st oil & gas contract

Subsea 7, has announced a major contract award for development of the Chinguetti field which is the first oil and gas development offshore Mauritania, West Africa. The EPIC (Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning) contract for Woodside Mauritania Pty Ltd is valued in the region of USD 140 million. Subsea 7’s work will include the transport and installation of three subsea manifolds including installation of: two 10â€? dia. 6.5 km long flexible production flowlines and risers; one 10â€? dia 6.8 km long flexible water injection flowline and riser; one 6â€? dia. 6.5 km long flexible gas lift flowline and riser and one 8â€? 18.3 km long gas injection flowline and riser. The Chinguetti field is located in water depths between 350 and 850 metres. The contract is based on utilising Subsea 7’s multi purpose support vessel Toisa Perseus and a heavy lift vessel for transportation of the flexible flowlines and risers. The offshore works are scheduled to take place in the installation season 2005.

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