Materials Technology Workshop Middle East

Bayer Technology Services will organize three workshops in Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and Ruwais from 9 March to 11 March 2009. The workshops, titled New developments in risk-based inspection and corrosion technology, will demonstrate precisely how specific materials technology know-how, methods, strategies, and tools help people to achieve better performance. The workshop will focus on the emergence of RBI as an international standard for risk analysis, inspection planning, and proactive risk management practices. There will also be hands-on training on the inspection management software solution BayKBI-S™, which integrates with commercially available RBI software based on the new edition of API RP 581 RBI technology. This workshop is useful for all companies using or considering RBI / Risk-based maintenance. The workshop will outline new and modern corrosion prediction technologies, online corrosion monitoring, and quality assurance methods applied to capital investment. It will be a first step in improving asset life while reducing plant maintenance costs. Some of the topics covered in the agenda include: Morning risk-based inspection / maintenance – New approaches and developments; Operational excellence in mechanical integrity (BayOpX™); RBI Case studies and accomplishments for safety and business success; BayKBI-S-Software for management of inspection and maintenance matters; and Baycorroxxion™ – Corrosion monitoring technology for In-situ surveillance of critical fixed equipment.
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