Marcegaglia doubles stainless production at Fagersta

In Sweden, Marcegaglia produces around 60,000 mt of wire rod and aims to double its total production with the bar and stainless wire rod production.

Fagersta Stainless generates approximately EUR 160M in turnover and employs about 250 people. Marcegaglia acquired Fagersta in 2023 as part of its purchase of the stainless steel products division of Outokumpu.

Platts assessed European 18-8 stainless steel scrap solids at Eur1,1170/mt on a CIF Rotterdam basis.

The 18-8 stainless steel scrap clips and solids are a commonly used reference for the grade-304 stainless steel scrap. The scrap contains a minimum of 16% chrome content and minimum of 7% nickel content.

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