Lundin to develop fields in Tunisia

Lundin Petroleum, Stockholm, plans to develop several fields in and off Tunisia in coming years. Its Isis field in the Mediterranean has produced 6000 b/d in recent months and could be larger than initially thought, the company said. The field is on a 408 sq km concession, the SE tip of which is near Tunisia’s maritime boundary with Libya. Proved and probable reserves at Isis and onshore Sidi El Itayem fields total 3.2 million bbl. The Isis-1 discovery well tested oil from the Cenomanian Isis limestone in 1974, and Isis-3 later flowed 11.5 MMcfd of gas. The oil is produced into a floating production, storage, and offloading vessel. Nine wells have been drilled on the Isis structure. A reprocessed, 102 sq km 3D seismic survey indicates that Isis field has a large NE extension which a horizontal well could tap. This may provide significant upside to the field’s reserves, the company said. Interests in the Isis concession are Lundin 40%, Atlantis Technology Services 40%, and Tunisia’s state ETAP 20%. The company is awaiting government approval of a development plan that covers 6–7 million bbl of reserves in Zelfa field and the southern part of AGIP SPA’s Maamoura discovery. The companies are to evaluate joint development of the fields. Zelfa interests are Lundin Petroleum 62.5%, Atlantis 32.5%, and Klabzuba Oil & Gas, Fort Worth, 5%.

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