Long life for emergency housing

An Italian company, Centro Sviluppo Materiali SpA (Rome), has designed a small house to be used for emergency housing in areas hit by natural disasters. It is easy to transport and install and offers very large living spaces. It also has features of fire resistance and resistance to atmospheric attack. For most of the external facades VERNEST® stainless steel from ThyssenKrupp Acciai Spaciali Terni SpA was used. This is an AISI 430 type, 0.5 mm thick and metallic grey in colour. The qualities claimed for VERNEST® include: (1) excellent mechanical strength and plastic behaviour; (2) physical features that allow large panels to be produced; (3) sound barrier properties; (4) machinability on traditional machines; (5) fire resistance higher than aluminium and carbon steel.
Reproduced from Inossidabile 153 (2003), courtesy of Centro Inox.

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