Lead-screw based system

The new Kerk rapid guide screw from Huco, operates with both high rev/min and linear speeds, even over long spans. The rapid guide screw can achieve speeds up to 1.5m/sec. Standard leads provide 0.100in, 0.200in, 0.500in and 1.00in of travel per revolution but the rapid guide screw also benefits from a range optional imperial and metric leads. The choices include non-back-driving leads for vertical applications, eliminating the need for a brake. This compact assembly is comprised of a precision aluminium guide and carriage and is driven by a precision rolled, stainless steel lead-screw. The nut is made from a polymer and the rail has a special TFE coating. The integral mounting base allows support over the assembly’s entire length if required; lengths up to 2.4m can be built and longer lengths are also available.

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