Latest developments in the Iranian gas industry:

Stainless Steel World is pleased to offer an in-depth report on the Iranian gas industry, written by an industry insider.

Mr Omidvar works for NIGC, the National Iranian Gas Company.

The author, Mr Hedayat Omidvar, is the Head of Communication Affairs within the Research & Technology Department of the NIGC, the National Iranian Gas Company.

In his extensive report, Mr Omidvar does justice to the size, scope and ambitions of the NIGC.

He first outlines the structure of the National Iranian Gas Company before reviewing the history of gas usage and development in Iran. As he points out, there are claims to suggest that gas may well have been used as a source of fire by ancient Iranians.

The author then goes on to assess the gas sector policies and objectives up until 2025, giving plenty of detail and some highly interesting forecasts.

The next sections consider Iran’s gas reserves and world ranking as well as Iran’s position from the viewpoint of international organizations and research institutes.

With around 16 per cent of the world’s gas reserves, this country’s significance is unquestioned.

And last but by no means least, the report considers how Iran could achieve a higher global trade balance.

Interesting follow-on sections discuss topics such as natural gas transfer, processing capacity enhancement projects and natural gas high pressure transmission pipelines.

In short, a very detailed report which we are pleased to provide via this websites.

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