Korea LG to boost styrene capacity

South Korea’s LG Chemical plans to boost its styrene monomer capacity at Yeochon by 100,000 metric tons (mt) per year around November 2003. But LG will remain a net buyer of styrene even after the expansion, he added. LG currently buys at least 10,000mt of styrene monthly. It will continue to have a styrene shortage in its system because of recent and planned expansions for ABS, styrene butadiene latex, nitrile butadiene styrene. LG has two styrene plants at Yeochon which have a combined nameplate capacity of 375,000 mt/yr. They are to be shut in October 2003 for one month for turnaround and the expansion project.
LG is scheduled to bolster its ABS capacity at Ningbo, China from 150,000mt to 300,000mt yearly by November this year. Ningbo LG Yongxing Chemical was formed in 1998 as a 75:25 joint venture between LG Chem and China’s Yongxing Chemical Co. It started with an ABS capacity of 50,000 mt/yr but was raised to 150,000 mt/yr last year. LG also has assorted styrene-derivative plants in Hong Kong, India and Korea.

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