Kellogg to supply furnace for ExxonMobil plant

Kellogg Brown & Root will supply engineering, procurement, and construction services for a new pyrolysis furnace for ExxonMobil Chemicals’ Baytown Olefins plant. The furnace, which will have the capacity to produce more than 200,000 tonnes per year will be the largest of its kind at any ExxonMobil ethylene site in the world. “This new large capacity furnace is an important step forward in our SCORE™ technology offerings,â€? said Randy Harl, president, Kellogg Brown & Root. “The furnace demonstrates that today’s large ethylene plants, often over 1 million metric tons/year capacity, can be built with only 5-7 furnaces.â€? The new furnace, designed to include provisions for the maximum reduction of NOx emissions, will be installed as an addition to the Baytown Olefins Plant facility which has a total annual capacity of more than two million metric tons. Kellogg Brown & Root will execute the work from its Houston headquarters with site preparation work slated for July 2001. Completion is scheduled for 2002.

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