Keeping workers safe with industrial workwear

Protective clothing is essential for steel industry workers.
Protective clothing is essential for steel industry workers.

The heat and chemicals used in the stainless steel industry can potentially create unsafe working conditions. Traditionally, those working in this industry wear heavy and bulky equipment to protect them from those risks. Yet, worker comfort is also a factor.

By Nick Warwick, All Season Uniforms

It is possible to balance safety and compliance with comfort in the intense working conditions in steel mills. Utilizing the right equipment and protective industry workwear is at the heart of this process.

The role of industrial workwear

The intensity of the stainless steel industry is challenging compared to any other industrial environment. Workers wearing heavy gear and working with very sensitive equipment in a high-heat environment are at risk of suffering injuries, even if they are highly skilled. Personal protective equipment and other forms of industrial workwear are critical investments for employers.

Yet, adding more layers or heavier-weighted clothing to minimize risks is not a solution. An uncomfortable environment is only made worse in this situation, leading to workers rushing or skipping critical safety steps to speed through the process. The alternative is to invest in industrial workwear that meets all compliance and safety standards while also ensuring comfort, easy movement, and breathability.

Protecting steel industry workers

As the minimum level of protection for (stainless) steel workers, employers must provide personal protection resources that meet OSHA guidelines. This includes:

  • Eye protection used during all gas welding as well as any type of oxygen-cutting activity;
  • Helmets and hand shields are critical, and the material used to make them must be insulated against both electricity and heat risk;
  • Protective clothing must include solutions to minimize all hazards from welding or cutting, based on the type of work being done.

Note that OSHA 1910.132 general requirements for personal protective wear are also necessary.

Common risks and hazards

The most common safety and health risks within the stainless steel industry include:

  • Heat and burns, especially to extremities
  • Respiratory hazards
  • Electrical hazards
  • Hearing damage
  • Vibration-related injuries
  • Radiation exposure risks
  • Chemical exposure risks

One of the most important areas to consider is heat. The steel industry specifically faces risks from temperature and humidity levels brought on by the molten materials used, welding work, and the on-site furnaces. Risks include direct heat exposure and heat-related illness brought on by the hot environment. This can cause dehydration, fatigue, heat stroke, and life-threatening heat exhaustion.

Types of essential workwear

An investment in high-quality and industry-specific industrial workwear is critical within the stainless steel fabrication industry. There are several key factors to consider:

Heat and flame resistance – Choose heat and flame-resistant clothing for the entire body. These materials need to be made of flame-retardant fabrics, which must specifically protect against flames, molten metal, and heat. At the same time, the clothing must be breathable to enable proper ventilation and temperature control for the employee.
Welding and allied process protection – The next area of concern for stainless steel is to protect against risks related to welding and allied process tasks. This type of personal protective equipment must minimize the risks against molten metal sparks. It also needs to protect against accidental contact with the flame itself during grinding or welding tasks.
Arc flash protection – A third area of concern relates to arc flash risks, a potential risk for serious burns. Often called a flashover, arc flash is a type of electrical explosion or discharge that results from a connection through air to ground or another voltage phase in an electrical system. An electric arc flash explosion can be life-threatening, and the only protection is whatever gear the employee is wearing.

Key features of effective workwear

The selection of the best workwear brands for the industrial industry must be very focused on mitigating heat and electrical risk. The search for high-quality options that meet these needs often begins and ends with brands that comply with OSHA regulations. When selecting workwear for stainless steel employees, take the following into consideration.

Flame-resistant materials – Seek out the highest quality of flame-resistant materials possible. They must meet OSHA guidelines based on the specific type of work the employee is doing. Cotton may be an option for very limited energy-related tasks. Burn protection is necessary in any high-heat environment.

Protective shields – Hood-like designs are a common option for protecting the head and neck from arc flash and heat. Some of the most effective products combine a protective shield rated for the steel industry with a hard hat and safety glasses. Choose hard hats specifically rated for arc welding to minimize the risk of electric arcs.
Proper fitting – All personal protective equipment must fit properly. The key to that is ensuring the gear is not too snug, as that can lead to additional heat-related hazards. It should also be inspected prior to every use to ensure no exterior damage is present.
Comfort – Newer products are lightweight, easy to move in, and reliable to use. They allow for a quality fit but also allow for ample air movement to preserve energy and reduce the risk of heat stroke.


The selection of industrial workwear for stainless steel industry workers must be considered carefully based on the specific tasks the workers perform and the overall risks they face. Appropriate personal protective equipment can be both protective and comfortable to wear, improving the outcome of any work day.

Nick Warrick, All Seasons Uniforms

About the author

Nick Warrick is the Sales Manager at All Seasons Uniforms. With over 15 years of experience in the work uniform business, he has worked with over 100 clients across 20 different industries. Holding bachelor’s degrees in both Business Administration and Information Technology, Warrick revamped the company’s online presence, offering its customers a new uniform shopping experience.

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