KBR to provide Pre-NTP services

Woodfibre LNG Limited and KBR, Inc. (KBR) made a joint announcement that KBR, Inc. has been selected to carryout Pre-Notice to Proceed (Pre-NTP) services for the Woodfibre liquefied natural gas (LNG) Project. The Woodfibre LNG Project is located in the District of Squamish near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and is licensed to export approximately 2.1 mtpa of LNG.

The selection of KBR for Pre-NTP services follows the successful completion of a competitive Front End Engineering Design (FEED) process for the Woodfibre LNG Project, which was announced in October of 2016. Pre-NTP services will be carried out by KBR’s operating centers in Houston (USA) and Edmonton (CA). The services include additional FEED work and cost optimization as well as a proposal for an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract. Woodfibre LNG expects to commence the EPC phase of the Project in 2018.

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