Käppala and Kemira invest in sludge treatment

The Käppala Association in Stockholm and Kemira have entered into a licensing agreement for Kemicond, a new method for reducing sludge volumes and enhancing sludge quality. Sewage sludge can be dewatered by means of chemical pre-treatment to have a very high dry solids content, halving today’s volumes and thereby decreasing sludge transportation through densely populated areas. Kemicond kills harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and reduces the pervasive odour of sludge. This improves opportunities for the reuse of sludge as a fertilizer on farmland and in other land applications. The Käppala plant treats sewage water from eleven municipalities in north Stockholm, a region with a population of 500,000 inhabitants. Approximately 40,000 tonnes of dewatered sludge is separated in the treatment process.

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