JSL boards more directors

JSL Ltd has broad based its board of directors by inducting two additional independent directors on the Board of the Company. Mr Jurgen Hermann Fechter, a member of the executive board of the VDEh Steel Institute, a member of the board of directors of the International Stainless Steel Forum and chairman of the ISSF’s market development committee. He was also a member of executive board of ThyssenKrupp Stainless, AG, Germany where he had the overall responsibility of stainless steel operations in Germany, Italy, China, Mexico and the USA and the international sales network including numerous service centers, as well as the nickel alloys business and the titanium business with production sites in Germany and Italy. Mr James Alistair Kirkland Cochrane president of the International Chromium Development Association. Mr Cochrane is also heading the business development division of ENRC Marketing AG, responsible for leading the ENRC group’s strategic planning, focusing on the organic development of the business and mergers and acquisitions.

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