IWCF taskforces to improve well control training

The International Well Control Forum (IWCF) is establishing technical taskforces involving industry specialists to help drive up the quality of well control training and ensuring it remains current and relevant. The independent, not-for-profit organisation, which sets international training standards for well control, is making the move as part of a raft of new measures in response to the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) guidelines following the Macondo incident in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
IWCF is seeking volunteers from across the industry to take up roles on eight new taskforces including drilling, well intervention and completion, quality of training, level 5, crew resource management, enhanced certificate renewal, strategy group and High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT). The taskforces will be made up of IWCF board members, member centre representatives and independent industry specialists.

David Price, CEO of IWCF said: “A number of positive steps have been taken to improve international well competency, but more still needs to be done. Setting up the taskforces will bring a sharper focus on the technical content of the training and introduction of new topics and specialist subjects.”

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