In November 2007 the new world stainless steel tube brand, the International Holding Centravis, was officially launched at the two most prestigious exhibitions held in Europe and CIS Countries. The company comprises the Nikopol stainless pipe mill and an extensive network of trade companies and agents in Western Europe (Germany, Italy, Switzerland), USA and the CIS countries (Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine). The primary assets of the company are located in Ukraine and are managed by the Atanasov family. Centravis’ presentation for the Western European market took place on 6 November within the framework of the Stainless Steel World Exhibition in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Mr Ilya Shirokobrod, Centravis Sales and Marketing Director, was the presenter. For CIS countries the brand was presented by Mr Yuriy Atanasov, Centavis Chief Executive Officer, within the framework of the Metal-Expo exhibition held in Moscow, Russia, on 13 November. The speakers presented their vision of the current situation in the industry of seamless stainless steel tubes to the international community and gave their detailed appraisal of the challenges put forth by the market to the industry’s major players. Along with this, the top management team, the new company strategy and business principles were also presented. Centravis’ strategic objective is to become a global player with European business culture and European quality and service in the world market of seamless stainless tubes. In their presentations the company’s top managers gave clear answers about the profits each party dealing in any way with Centravis is going to have: the clients, the suppliers, the financial partners and the general public. All major Centravis clients and partners, industrial experts and analysts were invited to presentations in Maastricht and Moscow.