Indonesia: offshore LNG terminal

Energy Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said that gas from the long-delayed Natuna D-Alpha block would supply a new LNG-receiving terminal to be built by a consortium of three state-owned enterprises. The consortium – consisting of state oil and gas producer PT Pertamina, state utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara and gas distributor PT Perusahaan Gas Negara – plans to build the three-million-ton-capacity LNG storage facility off the coast of Jakarta. The floating terminal will feed PLN’s Muara Karang power plant and the new Tanjung Priok plant. PLN has received a commitment from the Bontang field in East Kalimantan to supply the terminal – which is due to be completed in 2011 – with 1.5 million tons of gas per year. The Tanjung Priok plant will have a capacity of 740MW per hour, with construction expected to be finished in 2011. The Tanjung Priok plant will cost USD 560.5 million. Japan-based Mitsubitshi is the main contractor, while PT Wijaya Karya, PT Areva T & D and PT Satyamitra Surya Perkasa are the principal subcontractors. The Natuna D-Alpha block is expected to start production in 2017.
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