The project will be handled by two companies of SMS group, SMS INNSE and SMS Mevac, on a semi-turnkey basis (i.e. including on-site assembly).
“ILVA S.p.A. chose SMS group for the high efficiency of the process provided and the advanced technological solutions, which will enable the Italian steel producer to comply even with the most exacting environmental regulations of the future. A further reason was the high flexibility provided by the co-injection process”, says Alberto Bregante, CEO of SMS INNSE S.p.A.
In both of the plants now ordered by ILVA, desulfurization will be effected by a refractory lined immersion lance injecting powdered lime, calcium carbide or magnesium into the hot metal melt. Desulfurizing the hot metal is more economical than desulfurizing the steel later on. After deslagging, the hot metal temperature is measured. Then the ladle will be transferred to the steelmaking shop.