Houghton Fluid delivers global solution

Houghton International, a specialist in metalworking fluids and services, has received approval from Pratt & Whitney, a United Technologies company, for the use of Hocut® 4940 Metalworking Fluid in the production of its aircraft engines and military power units under the Pratt & Whitney reference PMC 9151.

Pratt & Whitney approved Hocut 4940 for contact with gas turbine engine parts made from a variety of aerospace alloys including aluminum, steel, stainless steels, nickel-based alloys, single-crystal nickel alloys, cobalt-based alloys, magnesium, titanium, and titanium based alloys. Hocut 4940 is a semi-synthetic advanced metalworking fluid designed for machining these tough alloys in the most complex metal removal operations, providing high lubricity without the use of chlorinated additives. It delivers high lubricity at low usage rates and provides high corrosion protection for both parts and machine tools.

Hocut 4940 also provides performance advantages that support the Pratt & Whitney approval, including increased tool life, longer sump life, higher productivity, improved quality of surface finish, and reduced backlogs.

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